**Update**Must Read For Those Participating in the Bataan Death March

23 Mar by SMSgt Clifton Williams

The weather is chilly this morning so please make sure that you dress in layers

It’s time to get ready for our big adventure tomorrow. There are a few things that I wanted to make sure that everyone remembers
Start drinking water now, so you won’t be dehydrated tomorrow
Get a good nights sleep tonight, so you will have plenty of energy
Make sure that you are at our starting point by 8 AM tomorrow. The starting point is Stone Mountain Church 1350 Silverhill Rd., Stone mountain , GA.
Make sure that you bring a water bottle
Make sure you have a unit PT shirt, comfortable bottoms and sneakers
Ensure you have a full charge on your phone
If you did not turn in your permission slip. You must have it in hand signed by your parents to start the march with us.
Finally come with a great attitude because we are going to have a good time and you will be amazed of your accomplishment because for many of us 14 miles is the most that we have ever walked
If you have any questions or concerns, please send me a message here in TeamApp using the chat or post it in the comments of this message
This is a brief explanation about the march



Stone Mountain SDA Church

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